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New Street Art

Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Crommelin, Claude
Verfasserangabe: Claude Crommelin (Claudelondon)
Bereich: Kunst
Jahr: 2013
Verlag: [London], Vivays Publ.
Mediengruppe: Sachbuch
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Stadtteilbücherei: Hauptstelle Bereich: Kunst Standorte: REK NEW / 1. Obergeschoss Status: Entliehen Frist: 01.04.2025 Vorbestellungen: 0


Gewisse Stadtteile Londons muten an wie Freilichtgalerien: Streetart und Graffiti gibt es dort in jedem Winkel zu entdecken. Werke von mehr als 150 Künstlern ...Street art is part of every cityscape. By street art, we mean the crazy and wonderful stencils, paste-ups, paintings and little sculptures that decorate our urban landscape, catching oureyes and surprising us with their beauty, humour or pithy comment on society. It is, however, ephemeral and the work can disappear very quickly or be damaged by the elements orvandalism. Through his website, Claudelondon has documented thousands of works by artists active in the city.
Banksy has already become a household name and Prime Minister David Cameron even gave President Obama a painting by street artist Eine. The street art scene in London is one ofthe most vibrant in the world attracting not only local artists, but also artists from other countries. Street art galleries are popping up everywhere and attracting lots of visitors. Guidedstreet art walks are appearing in major cities in the UK, the US and other countries.


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ISBN: 978-1-908126-51-1
2. ISBN: 1-908126-51-5
Beschreibung: 272 S., zahlr. farb. Abb. - 21,0 x 21,0 cm
Schlagwörter: Banksy, Graffiti, Strassenkunst, Street Art, urban street culture
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Fußnote: Text engl.
Mediengruppe: Sachbuch